Learning that Finding Your Happiness today is only a few clicks away. You’ve heard me talk a lot about thought downloads, processing negative emotions and reframing thoughts. We learn and …
Learning that Finding Your Happiness today is only a few clicks away. You’ve heard me talk a lot about thought downloads, processing negative emotions and reframing thoughts. We learn and …
A lot of the reasons of why we feel unfulfilled in our lives is because it is so easy to choose the easy way out. Our brains are wired to …
Be Willing to Feel Everything The key to having the life you want is to FEEL your emotions. Be willing to feel sad, frustrated, fearful, anger, regret, shame, disgusted, deprived…. …
Thoughts Fuel Your Emotions Thoughts are so powerful that they BECOME your life because your thoughts fuel your emotions. Your emotions get you to act in a specific way. That …
Thoughts are optional … even if they are “true”. Did you know that your thoughts are optional, even if you when we tell ourselves a specific thought is “true”? “I’m …