
Looking for Your Purpose

Looking for Your Purpose

Looking for Your Purpose

I was never one of those kids that knew what she wanted to be when she grew up.  And honestly, I never really gave it much thought during and even after college.  I kind of just went along with whatever job came along.  And I was always envious of those that really knew what they wanted to do and had gone after it.  My husband is one of those that I always considered “lucky ones”.

Fast forward 25+ years to the ripe age of 46 and I still had that nagging feeling that I had not found my purpose.  I spent years feeling less than, empty, like something was missing and if I could just figure out my purpose, I would be the happiest gal on earth.  I just kept looking for my purpose.

You are Your Purpose

Insert hiring a life coach here. It took awhile but I finally opened my brain enough to hire a life coach. The first lesson was a big one and it stuck hard! “You will NOT find your purpose because it’s not OUT THERE.  It’s in you already, put there the day you were born.  Purpose is the reason WHY something exists and you exist on this planet, therefore you have purpose”    

What??  Let me read that again (and paraphrase) to make sure I get what she is saying. My purpose is simply that I exist?  Not to save the world, feed the hungry, become Martha Stewart (yes, I still love the idea of old school Martha).   I am living my purpose right now?!

Yes, that is what she was saying.   

Finding your purpose didn’t involve looking to external circumstances (the house, the car, the promotion, the awards) to be happy and at peace. Understanding that simply existing IS the purpose no matter where you find yourself right now.  Stop trying to find a way to matter more. You already matter ALL YOU CAN.  Your purpose is not what you do but WHO YOU ARE.

Do you know what comes with understanding and ACCEPTING this true meaning of purpose? An instantaneous surge of energy and lightness like nothing you have every experienced.  Your unrealistic expectations and the pressure you put on yourself will ease off as well. There is really is no other feeling like it. It is pure magic.

Interested in learning more about what life coaching actually is, then be sure to check out my article What is Life Coaching?

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