A lot of the reasons of why we feel unfulfilled in our lives is because it is so easy to choose the easy way out. Our brains are wired to choose the easy path, the safe path, the path that conserves our energy. Of course we want to choose the easy way out.
But here is the thing – a lot of the those paths start out easy but eventually the hard part is going to hit you smack in the face. It just how living in this world is – life is never going to be 100% easy. You will face hard things. We are made to face hard things. So why not be prepared?
Our eternal “battle” with our brain and it’s natural let’s-find-the-easy-route thoughts is hard work. So many of us will travel through life always choosing the easy path and never doing the hard work. These are also the people that will likely never feel truly fulfilled with their life. They chose easy now only to hit hard later.
But you get to choose. You get to choose your hard on purpose. So why not choose now when you are prepared for it. You won’t have a choice later.
Choose the hard work of learning how to transform your mind now and live a truly fulfilling life that you were made to lead.
Choose the hard now means you need to be willing to feel ALL the emotions that come up. You can read more in this article I wrote, Be Willing to Feel Everything.
Choose the hard work now while you are younger, more open to new ideas and have the energy so that you can enjoy easy later on in life.
Choose the hard work now to become more resilient now.
Choose the hard work now and it will make everything else seem that much easier.
What will you choose?