Change Your Thoughts Not Your Actions
You telling yourself you are stuck is just a THOUGHT you have been thinking over and over again. You have created your own STUCKNESS.
Realizing that being stuck is a state of being that you are creating with your pattern of thinking, is your first step to getting UNSTUCK. Are you feeling stuck because you “can’t find your purpose”? Then be sure to check out my other article Looking For Your Purpose.
Imagine drawing a big circle on a piece of paper. At the top of the circle we write down our THOUGHTS. A third of the way around we write down our FEELINGS when we think that original thought. Another third of the way around we write down the ACTIONS/RESULTS that are produced when we feel those feelings.
If we keep following that circle to the top, where does it bring us? To our original THOUGHT, right? That’s because that action or result reinforces our original thought. Can you envision the cycle? My own life coach calls this the Creation Cycle and it is a game changer!
Using this Creation Cycle on any current thoughts or feelings that aren’t serving you will give you so much insight to the fact that you are likely making things so much more complicated in your life than they need to be.
The Creation Cycle gets to the heart of why we experience STUCKNESS. You will be able to see where you need to change.
By working through Creation Cycles you will be able to reframe your thinking, to produce the feelings you want, which will ultimately get you the results you want. Reframing your thinking will start a massive movement in how you think about your life. And to me, that is the ultimate game changer.
Do you have thoughts or feelings that aren’t serving you? Would you like help to change your thoughts not your actions? Send me a DM and I can walk you through how to get started working through your own Creation Cycle. No strings attached. Just a bit of encouragement through honest conversation.